Saturday, April 24, 2010

Day Six - Feels like day 106

The hunger is now ridiculous. Apples are making me so nauseous I was retching this morning at 4AM. I have no appetite, but at the same time I am starving. Everything around me smells delicious - even the foods I wouldn't normally eat. I have no idea what I'm going to eat when this is all over on Monday, but I know that it's going to be a lot.

I want to cheat so badly, but I know that if I do I'll feel even worse. Besides, I've come this far. I'm trying to be as upbeat as possible, but it's difficult when I'm so low on energy. I don't feel particularly skinny, I look like the walking dead and I'm definitely not happy. I miss my protein and I miss running and, above all else, I miss the feeling of having eaten a decent meal and being nicely full, but not stuffed, and definitely not wanting for more (the way I do now after an apple - how can one piece of fruit even be considered a meal!?).

I know I'm not an advocate for this diet, perhaps because I've been stressed to breaking point this week and not eating has made me feel even worse. But even so, I cannot understand why anybody would choose to do this to him/herself. A friend of mine told me about the soup diet, which sounds a lot more enjoyable than this one. However, something I've learned during this week is that, whatever I deprive myself of, I want even more, and living on one food is absolutely miserable no matter what it is. Maybe it would be better if the weight was falling off me, but it isn't. Perhaps I'm supposed to be working out every day too, but I know my body wouldn't be able to put up with much exercise right now so I don't know how that would work either...

One more day to go and then I can go back to being regular, healthy, cardio-obsessed Joey. Tune in tomorrow to hear how much weight I've lost (complete "Shocking results" headline with emaciated photo of me) and what I've learned from this whole experience...and please, please, eat whatever it was you're thinking about eating right now. And enjoy every bite.

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