Thursday, April 22, 2010

Day Four - If a week could be divided in two, this would be the halfway point...sort of

So technically, I'm pretty much at the halfway point now, and although this week has been hell (in more ways than one), I'm actually feeling pretty good. I'm still very, very hungry, but it's become more of a gnawing ache than a full on crushing pain, which I'm taking as a good sign. And my mother has promised to get me the best apples for my last few days so yay! I handed in my dissertation today AND finished off my radio project too, which makes me feel even better. I had to sit in BK with Saz for a bit today, which was quite torturous. But I survived without jumping behind the counter and eating all of the deliciously greasy burgers waiting for the lucky customers to gorge on, so that has to mean something!

I've realised this week how much shit I eat without even realising. I was sitting at a computer in the library on Tuesday and I started thinking about how, if I weren't on this diet, I'd probably be eating chocolate for no real reason apart from to make working more enjoyable. I wouldn't usually think anything of it, but now I'm realising that that's a completely ridiculous reason to be snacking. Chocolate isn't the worst thing to eat, but it isn't the best either (especially when I'm not even sure I want it). I work out a lot, which is why I can afford to eat anything I want (within reason) but still...snacking is dangerous, and it's only now that I'm realising how much of it I'm doing without even thinking.

I haven't been craving many "bad" foods today. Mostly, I've been thinking about tuna sandwiches on wholemeal bread, mussels, prawns...spaghetti bolognese...oh god I miss spaghetti bolognese the's my absolute favourite meal. Drizzled in parmesan, with some garlic bread on the side... (I realise that's not a particularly healthy meal, but I don't care). I made sure to skip dinner tonight because I knew it'd be my favourite. I'm craving it so badly! Urgh... Maybe I should stop writing about food. It's probably not doing anything for my cravings.

Only three days of this torture left...

My energy levels were surprisingly high today. I was able to run quite a long way to catch my bus, which I was quite pleased about. I slept really deeply last night, for the first time in ages, which probably had a lot to do with my ridiculously exhausting day, but even so it was quite lovely! I hope it can be repeated tonight, even though I know it's still going to be quite difficult to fall asleep with the hunger pains in my stomach.

I'm spending the whole weekend with my lovely boyfriend, and I'm just hoping he won't tempt me with too much yummy food (his house is filled with delicious treats) so that I can finish this on a high. And then pig out big time! Gaining the weight back is going to be so much FUN!

Also, on a totally unrelated note, I saw Mairead Farrell filming her bit for "The Republic of Telly" on Grafton street today and, I'm ashamed to say, I was quite starstruck. She's really beautiful in person, and so much skinnier than she looks on TV. Maybe she's on the same combo diet as me (no, no she's probably smarter or more sophisticated than that).

Three days left! Eep!

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