Monday, April 19, 2010

Day One - Intro

So...where to begin...

This is a mad experiment that I've volunteered to do as part of my journalism course. There are a load of us doing it, but only one has successfully completed it (as far as I'm aware). So far, no deaths!

The task is this - go on an insane, ridiculous diet for a week, blog (and vlog) about it and see what happens. D did the crazy maple syrup one, brave woman that she is. I could never do a pure liquid diet, I'd get too bored. Even so, one of the main components of my chosen mad diet is liquid.

I've elected to do a combination of the juice cleanse and the apple diet. Neither alone sounded particularly exciting so I've decided to combine them. That and I'd have to eat meals on the apple diet, which I think kind of defeats the purpose. So that's it, one week with nothing to survive on but pure fruit juice, apples and water. I may treat myself to an M&S smoothie one of the days, but for the moment I'm going to be quite strict about it. I think I can do it. I won't say for definite that I'm not going to cave around day three, but as of now I feel pretty confident.

So far today I've had two apples, a glass of apple juice and half a bottle of water. I feel fine. I was starving around midday, since I'd consumed my breakfast (an apple and some apple juice) around 8AM. But now, I feel grand. I have another apple in my bag, along with two bottles of juice to gorge on (if it's possible to gorge on juice).

Let the games begin!


  1. After a while of that I'd just get a craving for bread or cheese! Something not sweet, you know?

  2. Shut uuuuuuup! It's only just started and I'm already craving roast beef, which I don't even eat! Gah!
